Anti-monopoly Committee improved its “hotline”

23.08.2010 | 09:51 Home / News / News /

Yerevan/Mediamax/. State Committee for the Protection of Economic Competition (SCPEC) of Armenia announced improvement of its “hotline” service.

As the Spokeswoman of the Committee Nelly Danielyan informed Mediamax, the hotline will be functioning by (010) 54 40 04 number on workdays from 9:00 to 18:00.

“Using the “hotline”, citizens and entrepreneurs, who reveal various anti-competitive phenomena, can turn to us. At that there is no necessity to present a formal complaint-address to the Committee. The person calling should only inform us some personal data for the Committee to have a primary source, while investigating the case”, Nelly Danielyan stated.

According to the Spokeswoman, the service of “hotline” was launched in SCPEC in 2009, however it was not efficient, since it functioned via the general overloaded telephone number of the Committee, and it was often impossible for citizens and entrepreneurs to inform us on their observations”.

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