Net income of Armenian bank system made 11,988bln AMD in the second quarter

02.08.2010 | 09:57 Home / News / News /
Yerevan /Mediamax/. The total balance capital of Armenian banks increased by 2.9% in the second quarter of 2010, as compared to the first quarter and made 293.7bln AMD, the report of Armenian Central Bank (CB) reads. 

Mediamax reports that general obligations of Armenian bank system decreased by 5.7% in the second quarter, making 1trillion 35.5bln AMD. During the second quarter the obligations growth is observed only in terms of the debt to the government (by 9.8%), reduction is registered in the rest of the directions, the largest of which is in terms of legal entities` time deposit (by 16,1%). 

Armenian bank system assets reduced by 3.9% in the second quarter of 2010, making 1trillion 329,2bln AMD. At that, crediting growth of legal entities and individuals is registered (by 1.2% and 0.1% respectively);70% growth is observed in April-June in terms of leasing as well. 

Credits volume, issued by the residents increased by 1.3% in the second quarter, making about 800,7bln AMD. The most considerable growth (by 24,4%) is observed in transport and communications crediting sphere. Growth is also observed in terms of agricultural (1,3%), constructional (2.3%), trade (2.3%) and consumer (0.8%) crediting. Portfolio reduction is registered in the sphere of industrial crediting (0.8%), financial sector (4.9%) and hypothecary crediting (1.9%). 

As of June 30, the share of standard credits in the portfolio of the banks made 95,7%, increasing by 0.5 percentage points, as compared to the first quarter.; the share of problem credits also increased in the second quarter, making 0.7%. 

Net income of Armenian bank system made 11,988bln AMD in the second quarter of 2010.

General obligations of Armenian lending organizations increased by 0,7% in the second quarter, making 55.96bln AMD. 

Assets of lending organizations increased by 1,8% in the second quarter of 2010, making 86,3bln AMD. Crediting growth of legal entities and individuals by lending organizations made 5,7% and 3,4% respectively in the second quarter.

As of June 30, the share of standard credits in lending organizations` portfolio made 96,3%, increasing by 0,7 percentage points, as compared to the first quarter.: the share of problem credits reduced by 0,1 percentage points in the second quarter, making 0,5%. 

Net income of Armenian lending organizations made 1,4bln AMD in the second quarter of 2010.
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