“Inecobank” offers new deposityhy

13.07.2010 | 15:56 Home / News / News /

Yerevan/Mediamax/. “Inecobank” announced new deposits “Accumulative” and “Standard”.

Mediamax was informed in the press service of the bank that the annual interest rate of these deposits makes up to 12.5%. The annual rate of 12.5% will be in effect in case if the deposit is registered in AMD for the term of 15-18 months. At that, “Accumulative” deposit may be replenished without limitations.

“Inecobank” also offers “Affordable” and “Children” deposits given annual interest rates of up to 11.5% and 12%.

As a bonus, the bank offers its customers plastic cards:

- ArСa Classic or Master Card Standard, given a deposit from 500 thousand to 50 million AMD;

 - ArСa Gold or Master Card Gold, given a deposit of over 50 million AMD.

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