“Garant-Limens” customers to receive a credit line in “Inecobank”

06.07.2010 | 10:46 Home / News / News /

Yerevan/Mediamax/. Customers of “Garant-Limens” Company will from now on be able to make purchases in “Esculap” drugstore chain with the use of the credit line in “Inecobank”, to which the insurance compensations will be added.

Mediamax was informed in the press service of “Inecobank” that the corresponding agreement was signed by “Inecobank”, “Garant-Limens” and “Esculap” drugstore chain on July 1.

According to the agreement, “Garant-Limens” customers may turn to “Inecobank” in order to receive “Aparik+” credit card, with the use of which they can make purchases in “Esculap” drugstore chain, after which the insurance compensations for the purchased medicine will be transferred to the account of the customer’s credit card by “Garant-Limens”.

“By receiving the credit line, the customer may also make purchases in 150 companies, cooperating with “Inecobank”, use discounts and privileges”, the press service informed.

“Aparik+” card is provided free of charge. The fee for annual maintenance makes 3000 AMD. For additional information, one can call (010) 510 536 or visit “Inecobank” website, where the entire list of companies, which accept the card, is presented.

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