Russia wants to use Armenia’s experience, gained while realizing projects with NATO and EU

20.05.2010 | 10:50 Home / News / News /

Yerevan/Mediamax/. Russia intends to use Armenia’s experience, gained while realizing projects with NATO and the European Union.

Mediamax reports that the publication in “Russian Newsweek” magazine, prepared basing on the “Project of the program on foreign policy factors efficient use on systemic basis, aiming at long-term development of the Russian Federation”, prepared by the Russian Foreign Ministry, reads this.

The publication reads that this document is a basis for Russia’s new foreign policy program, which provides for establishing partnership relations with the West.

The document includes a plan for developing Russia’s relations with 61 countries. This is what it reads concerning Armenia:

- Use Armenia’s experience, gained during projects with NATO and EU;
- Use Armenia’s potential to get technologic information from western partners.

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