“Converse Bank” offers a special deposit for women

10.03.2010 | 10:09 Home / News / News /

Yerevan/Mediamax/.  From March 9 to April 31, “Converse Bank” organizes a campaign on accepting “Garun” (“Spring”) deposit, meant for women.

Mediamax was informed in Marketing Department of the bank that the minimum sum of the deposit makes 50 thousand AMD, the minimum term – 6 months.

The interest rate on the deposit depends on the term: 6 months – 10%, 9 months – 11%, 18 months – 13%. The interest rates are paid out at the end of the deposit term.

In the course of the campaign, the bank will provide the depositors with Visa Classic cards with the credit limit at the sum of the entire deposit and the expiry date equal to the term of the deposit agreement. The bank also noted that they will not charge annual card maintenance fee from the card holders.

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