Yerevan /Mediamax/. AmRating/GlobalRating rating agency marked up credit rating for “Araratbank” from “BB-” to “BB” with “stable” outlook. According to the banking analyst of AmRating/GlobalRating Agency Karina Melikyan, “the bank’s rating is based on development stable speeds and positive dynamics, significant growth of the level of political resource of the bank’s main shareholder, preservation of financial stability against the crisis background, start of realization of the bank’s institutional development program given support of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development”. According to Executive Director of AmRating/GlobalRating Agency Emmanuel Mkrtchyan, “over the past 2 years, “Araratbank” has been demonstrating stable growth line for basic indices, and despite the crisis phenomena in Armenian economy, which affected the banking sector, it preserved the high quality of assets, sufficient liquidity and moderate susceptibility towards risks”. Tweet Views 15062