ZCMP withstands fluctuations in global markets

29.07.2009 | 13:35 Home / News / News /

Yerevan /Mediamax/. Despite the continuing global crisis, “Zangezur Copper Molybdenum Plant” CJSC (ZCMP) continues uninterrupted production; Mediamax was informed in the press service of the company.

The plant has preserved all workplaces and pays salaries in due time.

The company noted that they managed to compensate losses from abrupt decline in molybdenum demand through redirecting ready production flow from European markets to Asian ones, adding that “this very strategy allowed preserving a stable sales volume and secure incomes of the plant”.

“All this became possible due to the policy of farseeing and shareholders’ financial support and flexible strategy of production sales in the global market, carried out by the parent “Chronometer” Concern”, the company noted, stressing that support from the part of the Armenian government significantly contributed to stable development of the plant, realization of social programs and preservation of workplaces.

The company press service informed that by the end of 2010, they plan to have concluded construction of the largest mill in the region, which will allow making the annual volume of ore processing reach 14mln tons, as compared to the current 12.5mln. It is also planned to construct steam and transformer stations and reservoir storage in order to reach ecologically safe water supply of the plant.

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