Credit portfolio of Armenian banks cut down for 11bln 286mln AMD in May

23.07.2009 | 16:35 Home / News / News /

Yerevan /Mediamax/. Credit portfolio of commercial banks of Armenia in late May, 2009, made 634bln 533mln AMD, having cut down for 11bln 286mln as compared to April.

As compared to March, 2009, credit portfolio of Armenian banks reduced for 20bln 578mln AMD.

As Mediamax was informed in the National Statistical Service of Armenia, the volume of loans, provided by banks in foreign currency as of the end of May made 315bln 347mln AMD, and in national currency – 319bln 186mln AMD.

The volume of loans, issued by credit organizations in Armenia as of the end of May, 2009, made 60bln 130mln AMD, having reduced as compared to April for 1bln 185mln AMD.

The number of customers of Armenian banking system made in late April, 2009, 1 046 688, having increased for 5 572, as compared to March.

In January-May, 2009, the expenses of the banking system of Armenia exceeded incomes for 7bln 455.8mln AMD, making 854bln 486.7mln AMD.

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