Income of “Ameriabank” in the first half of 2009 made 555mln AMD

21.07.2009 | 15:41 Home / News / News /

Yerevan /Mediamax/. Income of “Ameriabank” CJSC in the first half of 2009 made 555mln AMD, having increased 5.4 times as compared to the analogous period of 2008.

As Mediamax was informed in the press service of the bank, as to the given index, “Ameriabank” occupies the third place in the banking system of Armenia. 79.2% of the income fell on the share of the second quarter, 2009.

Net percentage and analogous income in the accounting period increased 163.5%, and the operational income – by 125.8%. Expenses on income tax in the first half of 2009 made 302mln AMD, at that in the analogous period of 2008, the given index made 37mln AMD.

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