Issues of setting up All-Armenian Bank discussed at the session of NCFA Board of Trustees

25.05.2009 | 17:42 Home / News / News /

Yerevan /Mediamax/. Issues on setting up All-Armenian Bank were discussed at the session of the Board of Trustees of the National Competitiveness Foundation of Armenia, which took place on May 24 in Yerevan under the chairmanship of Prime Minister Tigran Sargsian.

As Mediamax was informed in the press service of the government, in the light of NCFA decisions, the All-Armenian Bank will fund projects of national importance, containing innovative elements and realized by members of the All-Armenian network in any part of the world.

Members of the Board approved the list of events on realizing programs in the sphere of healthcare, education and tourism.

During the session, they touched upon issues, related to steps of the government on overcoming the consequences of the economic crisis and directed to supporting stable development and competitiveness of Armenia.

The session was attended by the Chief Advisor of the President on Economic Issues Vahram Nersisyants, Minister of Economy of Armenia Nerses Yeritsyan, Minister of Finance Tigran Davtyan, Minister of Foreign Affairs Edward Nalbandian, Chairman of the Central Bank of Armenia Artur Javadyan, Executive Director of “Troika Dialogue” Company Ruben Vardanyan, Director of Munich office of McKINSEY & Co Andre Andonyan, Executive Director of Wolters Kluwer PCi Raffi Festekjian, Head of Yerevan office of the World Bank Aristomene Varoudakis, Executive Director of NCFA Pegor Papazian.

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