Deficit of Armenia’s state budget in Q1, 2009, made 13.6bln AMD

05.05.2009 | 11:14 Home / News / News /

Yerevan /Mediamax/. In the first quarter of 2009, the revenues of Armenia’s state budget made 139.8bln AMD, and the expenditures – 153.4bln AMD, securing implementation of the quarterly program, specified by the government, by, respectively, 103.1% and 90.9%.

As Mediamax was told in the Ministry of Finance of Armenia, as compared to the first quarter of 2008, the revenues of the state budget cut down by 9.7%, the expenditures increased by 10.4%.

Reduction in revenues of the state budget is related to 16.7% reduction in collected taxes and duties. In the accounting period, the obligatory social payments and other revenues of the state budget increased respectively by 1.2% and 68.6%.

76.3% of the state budget revenues are formed due to taxes and duties, 15.4% - due to obligatory social payments, 6.6% - due to other revenues and 1.8% - due to grants.

Increase of the expenditure part of the state budget for 10.4% is conditioned mainly by the growth of expenditures for pensions (by 12.1%), benefits (by 11.6%), salaries (20.9%) and services (by 12.1%).

In the first quarter, 2009, the state budget of Armenia (without inflow of means from the line of credit programs from external financing sources) is fulfilled with deficit of 13.6bln AMD ($36.5mln) instead of the planned deficit at the volume of over 33.1bln.

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