“Norvik” credits may be repaid via internet

11.03.2009 | 15:21 Home / News / News /

Yerevan /Mediamax/. In 2008, the net income of “Norvik” Universal Credit Organization (UCO) made 1.368bln AMD, exceeding the index of 2007 twice.

As Mediamax was told in Marketing Department of “Norvik” UCO, the total assets of the organization made 19.731bln AMD, the volume of provided credits – about 18bln AMD.
Annual growth of the total capital made 66.4%, assets – 45.2%, credit investments – 37.6%.

As the Executive Director of “Norvik” UCO Tigran Bostanjyan stated, “such growth evidences the fact that, given correct approach, one can carry out efficient work in any conditions”.

The statement also reads that the organization has recently introduced new financial services – a special system for customer service My Norvik, created based on My.Norvik.am website, as well as the opportunity to repay credits via internet.

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