“Nairit” is receiving unprecedented opportunity to enter new markets, Director of the plant stated

09.03.2009 | 16:17 Home / News / News /

Yerevan Mediamax/. Rerun of production is in process at “Nairit” plant, Director of Yerevan “Nairit” chemical plant Vahan Melkonyan said this in an interview to Mediamax today.

According to him, despite the significant changes of the global economic landscape, the market of chemical production demonstrated stable resistance to negative tendencies. “The crisis, per se, has destroyed the strong “raw materials – processor – consumer” contacts, which had been forming in the course of many years, exploded the “price bubbles”, and, consequently, in these conditions, “Nairit” CJSC received an unprecedented opportunity to enter the market with new strengths, which were unavailable for us earlier”, Vahan Melkonyan stated, noting that “we are ready to use any opportunity”.

Answering the question on the influence of AMD devaluation on the work of the plant, Vahan Melkonyan stated that devaluation of AMD “is, undoubtedly, a positive factor for any Armenian exporter”, noting at that the negative sides of the phenomenon as well, among which are the difficulties in equipment import to reequip the production. “Devaluation of AMD has already led to inflation processes – fuel has increased in price and the tariffs for energy carriers grow”, Vahan Melkonyan stated.

According to him, the leadership of the plant, nevertheless, has certain positive expectations from crisis prevention measures of the Armenian government. In this context, Vahan Melkonyan described as “encouraging: the recent talks of the Armenian Prime Minister in Moscow.

Answering the question on the process of the talks, which aim at receiving a syndicated loan from European banks, Vahan Melkonyan stated that in connection with the global economic crisis, the loan provision is postponed, and its preliminary volume (about $250mln) has cut down.

Vahan Melkonyan informed that at present talks with European banks continue, an agreement is already reached on providing the plant about $92mln within the framework of securing financial stability of the company. He also noted that the new details of the loan agreement will become known on March 15-20.

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