“Ardshininvestbank” received an international quality certificate

20.02.2009 | 10:35 Home / News / News /

Yerevan /Mediamax/. French “AB Certification” Auditor Company provided “Ardshininvestbank” ISO 9001:2000 international certificate of Quality Management System.

As Mediamax was told in the press service of the bank, the certificate is provided basing on the positive conclusion of the audit for correspondence to quality management standard, which was realized in December, 2008.

“The provision of a certificate evidences the fact that the whole process of organizing work in the bank, as well as the quality of provided services meet international standards”, the press service of the bank noted.

In the process of certification, the bank cooperated with Integrated Management Solutions organization.

“Provision of ISO 9001:2000 certificate is a result of volume work, which is constantly in process in the bank to implement more quality and modern banking services”, Chairman of the bank’s Board of Directors Aram Andreasyan stated.

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