Yerevan /Mediamax/. Armenia occupies the fifth place among 36 countries as to the level of business-optimism for 2009, yielding to India, Botswana, the Philippines and Brazil. As Mediamax was told in Marketing Department of “Grant Thornton Amyot”, the research by Grant Thornton International, realized among over 7200 private companies in 36 countries of the world, evidences this. As to the level of business-optimism/pessimism, Armenia is assigned the index of +46%, while globally this index is negative: -16% (in 2008, +40%). At that, the main threats named are the decline of consumer demand and reduction in business crediting. The research revealed quite contradicting results in 4 world trade leader-countries. In particular, the index of business-optimism in the USA makes -34%, in China +30%, in Japan -85% and in India +83%. Tweet Views 11656