Certain officials are not interested in facilitation of business routine procedures, Armenian PM stated

10.02.2009 | 17:10 Home / News / News /

Yerevan /Mediamax/. Certain officials and ministries are not interested in facilitation of business routine procedures, being afraid of losing influence levers, Armenian Prime Minister Tigran Sargsian stated in Yerevan today.

Mediamax reports that the Prime Minister said this while the Armenian Minister of Finance Tigran Davtyan was presenting a report on the department’s activity in 2008.

Talking about the works on facilitating business routine procedures in Armenia, Tigran Davtyan stated that, “being the coordinator of the given measures, our Ministry often faces opposition from branch Ministries and departments, which state that the facilitations have already exhausted themselves and there is no necessity for new ones”.

“Many departments and officials are not interested in facilitation of procedures, since they will lose influence levers”, the Prime Minister stated, adding that “realizing the presence of such pressure, we should all the more realize all the necessary changes to facilitate business routine in the country”. 

Expressing discontent with the fact that the discussion of measures on facilitating business routine have already been in process for 2 years and no practical steps have been taken, the Prime Minister charged the Minister of Finance with taking the soon solution of the given issue under his personal control.

Besides, Tigran Sargsian expressed discontent in connection with delay of reforms in the sphere of customs administration, which relate, in particular, to reduction of the number of documents required at the customs and the procedures.

“If the resistance of the ministries and departments continues, session of Supreme Economic Council of Armenia will be called”, Armenian Prime Minister summed up.

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