Partnership with “France Telecom” is an honor for any country, Armenian President stated

31.01.2009 | 12:26 Home / News / News /

Yerevan /Mediamax/. Armenian President Serzh Sargsian met with the President of France Telecom Didier Lombard in Davos.

As Mediamax was told in the press service of the President, Didier Lombard presented short-term and long-term programs of France Telecom in Armenia, promising to work “operatively and efficiently”. 

Armenian President welcomed the arrival of the Company in the Armenian market, noting that partnership with France Telecom is an honor for any country. Didier Lombard noted that already in fall, 2009, the third mobile connection operator in Armenia will be ready to render services and will present many interesting innovations.

France Telecom won the tender in 2008 to acquire the license for providing mobile connection services in Armenia and will provide services under “Orange” brand.

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