Business Pro Package: All-in-one solution from Byblos Bank Armenia

21.10.2024 | 10:11 Home / News /
#Business Pro #Byblos Bank Armenia
Byblos Bank Armenia has unveiled the Business Pro package, crafted to address all the financial needs of businesses.

The bank reported that the package is an all-in-one solution that enables legal entities to streamline their daily operations seamlessly and have all the necessary tools at hand.

For AMD 6,000 per month, customers receive 10 products on preferential terms, including, among other things, free accounts in AMD, USD and EUR, business cards with no maintenance fee for 3 years, interest on positive balances Online Banking, a special tariff for international transfers, free AMD transfers within Armenia.

The package also includes such benefits as business loans with a starting annual interest rate of 12%, up to 12 months of credit leave, free POS terminals.

You can get familiarized with the package details and fill in an application on the bank’s official website.
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