International conference celebrates 90th anniversary of YSU Faculty of Economics and Management

09.10.2024 | 12:14 Home / News /
#YSU #Byblos Bank Armenia
On October 8, one of the most significant scientific conferences in the history of the Faculty of Economics and Management was solemnly inaugurated at Yerevan State University.

The three-day international conference titled "The Transformative Economy: Digital Technology, Spatial Disparities and Quality of Life” is a key event in the Faculty's 90th anniversary celebrations sponsored by Byblos Bank Armenia."

The conference aims to establish a platform for presenting innovative research findings, fostering stronger collaborative ties among scientific and educational institutions and global experts.

Some 40 distinguished scientists from institutions like Harvard University, Cornell University, Sorbonne University, Lomonosov University, St. Petersburg University, the Harvard Business School and other top-ranked universities of 19 countries have arrived in Armenia to attend the conference.

YSU Rector Hovhannes Hovhannisyan, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Management Karlen Khachatryan, President of the Central Bank of Armenia Martin Galstyan, Chief Executive Officer of Byblos Bank Armenia CJSC Hayk Stepanyan made opening remarks at the conference.

According to Hayk Stepanyan, the faculty's contribution to the economy of Armenia cannot be overstated.

“Throughout 90 years, the faculty has produced generations of economists, policymakers, business leaders who have had their notable impact on the economy of Armenia. It is my sincere hope that discussions here will not only generate innovative ideas but also foster collaboration between universities across countries. I also hope this conference will inspire the students of Yerevan State University as they embark on their academic and professional journey. Byblos Bank Armenia stands ready to continue supporting the faculty and similar initiatives as we strongly believe that the intersection of academia and the industry is essential for sustainable growth,” noted Hayk Stepanyan.

The jubilee year at the faculty promises to be bustling. Alongside the conference, several significant events are planned, including a ceremonial session and the publication of an illustrated book-album that chronicles the Faculty's 90-year history, as well as the production of a short film about the Faculty.
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