Profit Plus salary package from Armeconombank offers many benefits

08.10.2024 | 17:44 Home / News /
#Armeconombank #Profit Plus
Armeconombank introduces the new Profit Plus salary package. When applying for any of Guru cards, customers will receive Visa Classic, Mastercard Standard, or ArCa Classic salary cards for free. Additionally, Guru cards are available at a discounted annual fee: AMD 1,000 for Guru cards and AMD 12,000 for Guru Travel cards. Moreover, customers can withdraw their salaries without any fees. By transferring funds to Guru cards, they will enjoy the following benefits:

•    0.5-1% cashback on all non-cash payments
•    4% interest on AMD accounts
•    credit line with up to 51 days of grace period
•    And many more

Moreover, many other benefits await customers:

•    salary credit line up to ten times your income depending on your employment sector, starting from 13.5%
•    loans secured by immovable property at reduced interest rate of up to 1%
•    free bank account
•    mobile app-based service accessible 24/7
•    wide network of ATMs and branches

This offer is valid until 31st December. This promotional offer does not apply to cards ordered through AEB Mobile application – you need to visit any branch or the Head Office of Armeconombank.

During the promotion period, all customers who order AEB Guru Digital cards via AEB Mobile app will receive a 50% discount on the annual fee, only AMD 1,000 as reduced.

For more details:
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