Byblos Digital Cards: Tailored for a generation opting for everything digital

23.07.2024 | 15:21 Home / News /
#Byblos Digital #Byblos Bank Armenia
Byblos Bank Armenia has launched the Byblos Digital Card to cater to customers who prefer everything digital.

A digital card can be obtained through the Byblos Mobile app or the Online Banking system anytime, 24/7, without needing to visit the bank. Within seconds of ordering, you can start using it for cashless purchases.

If obtained before September 30, customers will receive the digital card free of charge for three years and will accumulate interest on positive balances for one year.

“Byblos Bank Armenia has launched the Mastercard Digital card to highlight its focus on offering remote digital services to customers and ensuring real-time service delivery. This card is in fact a full-fledged bank card. With the digital card, the bank’s customers can perform non-cash transactions both domestically and internationally. The introduction of this product marks another step by the bank as part of its digital reform strategy. By the way, we’re planning exciting new advancements concerning the digital card,” said Suren Voskanyan, Head of Innovation and Digitalization at Byblos Bank Armenia.

The bank said that the digital card is versatile, always available on the smartphone, and convenient for all kinds of transactions – from online shopping to contactless payments in stores, as well as topping up online wallets and making international transfers.

Similar to physical cards, digital cards can also be linked to Google Pay and Apple Pay, allowing users to make payments anywhere in the world.

More information about the Byblos Digital Cards is available on the official website of Byblos Bank Armenia.
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