Credit portfolio of “Converse Bank” increased for 36%

26.12.2008 | 16:04 Home / News / News /

Yerevan /Mediamax/. Credit portfolio of “Converse Bank” in 2008 increased for 36%, Chief Executive Officer of the Bank Ararat Ghukasyan stated today.

Mediamax reports that Ararat Ghukasyan informed that by the end of November the bank’s credit portfolio made 42bln.

“Crediting of small and medium enterprise in 2008 increased for 17% (about 5.6bln AMD), the growth of consumer and mortgage crediting made respectively 22% (about 7.4bln AMD) and 80% (about 4.5bln AMD)”, Ararat Ghukasyan stated.

The volume of agricultural credits, issued by the bank in 2008, increased for 130%, making over 1bln AMD.

Ararat Ghukasyan informed that the bank increased credit rates by no more than 1.5% and continues crediting, although there is decline in demand for mortgage and car credits registered. The volume of deposits, attracted by the bank by the end of November, made 23bln AMD, having increased as compared to the beginning of the year for 7bln AMD.

“The bank’s profit prior to taxation in 2008 is expected to make 2.5bln AMD, and the volume of capital investments in 2008 made 506mln AMD”, Ararat Ghukasyan stated.

Talking about the plans for 2009, Chief Executive Officer of “Converse Bank” noted that the bank continues expanding crediting of agriculture, as well as small and medium enterprise.

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