EBRD appointed new Managing Director for the Caucasus

17.06.2024 | 15:43 Home / News /
The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has appointed Elisabetta Falcetti as its new Managing Director for Türkiye and the Caucasus. She starts her new role on 1 August.

Elisabetta Falcetti currently serves as Director, Regional Head of Poland and the Baltic States.

Welcoming the appointment, EBRD Vice President, Banking, Matteo Patrone said that Falcetti will further strengthen EBRD performance in Türkiye and “in the very important” Caucasus region.

Elisabetta Falcetti said: “Our Annual Meeting took place in Yerevan this year and we witnessed once again the potential of the Caucasus. We will continue our work to develop the economies of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia by supporting the private sector and key infrastructure development through investment and policy dialogue for reform.”
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