Today "HSBC Bank Armenia" CJSC (hereinafter HSBC Armenia or the Bank) hosted another event, bringing together representatives from various local companies. The purpose of the event was to familiarize HSBC Armenia's partner organizations with foreign exchange risk hedging features and to showcase the relevant instruments provided by the Bank.“In light of recent currency fluctuations, financial risk management is increasingly becoming top of mind for treasury teams, especially for organisations engaged in cross-border trade of goods and services. These entities are actively seeking ways to mitigate the adverse effects of currency fluctiations. Therefore, it is important for the business to be informed about the available mechanisms to assess and reduce these risks," says Marine Nikoghosyan, Head of Markets & Securities Services of HSBC Armenia.The event featured a substantive discussion with the business representatives, during which industry specialists outlined the financial risks specific to the international trade sector, the mechanisms for evaluating and reducing them. Moreover, the focus was on presenting solutions that HSBC Armenia offers to its customers in navigating such conditions.Highlighting the significance of such forums, Kamo Margaryan, Head of Wholesale Banking of HSBC Armenia, noted: "We are commited to providing our corporate clients with relevant knowledge to help them make informed decisions. In the meantime, our bank is well equipped to offer financial solutions to our customers in order to ensure the seamless continuity of their international trade operations.”To learn about services provided by HSBC Armenia please visit website or contact us at +374 60 655 000.HSBC Holdings plcHSBC Holdings plc, the parent company of HSBC, is headquartered in London. HSBC serves customers worldwide from offices in 62 countries and territories. With assets of US$3,021 billion at 30 September 2023, HSBC is one of the world’s largest banking and financial services organisations.HSBC in ArmeniaHSBC Bank Armenia CJSC was established in 1996. The bank is a wholly owned subsidiary of HSBC Group. HSBC Armenia serves around 30 000 customers through six offices located in Yerevan and around 310 employees. As of 30 September 2023, the Bank has assets of AMD334 billion including the ones, allocated with the mediation of the HSBC Bank plc, London. The bank is regulated by the Central Bank of Armenia. Tweet Views 11910