EBRD: Armenia’s economic growth to moderate to 5% in 2023-2024

16.05.2023 | 11:44 Home / News /
#EBRD #Armenia #economic growth
The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) issued the updated Regional Economic Prospects forecast.

According to it, growth in the first quarter of 2023 in Armenia stood at a strong 12.2%, “but signs of moderation are gradually emerging.”
“Last year Armenia’s economy grew by 14.2%, manufacturing sector by 7.8% and services by 28.2%. Construction and trade also grew in double digits.
The economy benefitted from capital inflows and exceptional growth in non-resident demand for information, communication and tourism-related services. The net inflow of money transfers almost doubled due to nearly seven-fold increase in transfers from Russian citizens coming to Armenia,” the report says.
It notes that monetary tightening and exchange rate during 2022 tamed the inflation which subsided to 5.4% in March 2023.

“The EBRD expects Armenia’s growth to moderate to 5 per cent in 2023 and 2024, with significant risks to the growth stemming from geopolitical turbulences,” the report reads.
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