Aggregate external assets of the Armenian CB make $1bln 585mln

24.11.2008 | 15:18 Home / News / News /

Yerevan /Mediamax/. Aggregate external assets of the Central Bank (CB) of Armenia following the results## of the third quarter, 2008, made $1 585 247 530,34.

As Mediamax was told in CB press service, the aggregate external assets of the CB for the third quarter have increased for $5 675 887.07.

Within the external assets the international reserves of CB in freely converted currency following the results of the third quarter make $1 585 246 836,83, having increased for $5 675 895,72 during the quarter.

The net external assets of the Armenian CB following the results of the third quarter of 2008 made $1 398 220 071,69, having increased for $14 947 455,17 during the quarter.

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