Armenian banks started paying more attention to relations between borrowers and the state, CB Head stated

06.11.2008 | 16:53 Home / News / News /

Yerevan /Mediamax/. Armenian banks, in conditions of new risks, started paying more attention to the relations of the borrowers## and the state, Chairman of the Central Bank (CB) of Armenia Artur Javadyan stated in Yerevan today, commenting on reconsideration of credit policy by Armenian banks.

Mediamax reports Artur Javadyan stating that commercial banks started to strive to actively cooperate with large tax-payers.

“If banks studied the financial state of the borrower and did not pay due attention to his/her relations with the state before, now the situation has changed”, Artur Javadyan stated, adding that many Armenian banks turn to large tax-payers with the offer to become their customers.

“The further development of Armenian Credit Reporting Agency (ACRA) will lead to implementation of a scoring system to provide credits in the banking sector of Armenia”, Artur Javadyan stated, answering Mediamax’s question.

According to the CB Chairman, a number of commercial banks of Armenia are already implementing scoring systems in their banks at present.

Artur Javadyan noted that the credit reports, provided by ACRA, will soon become an all-comprehensive scoring system, which will allow both banks and their customers receiving credit means by very available terms and will increase the level of their financial discipline.

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