Volume of individuals’ term deposits in “Ardshininvestbank” for three quarter of 2008 grew for 50.2%

05.11.2008 | 11:50 Home / News / News /

Yerevan /Mediamax/. The volume of individuals’ term deposits in “Ardshininvestbank”## for three quarters of 2008 increased for 50.2%, making over 22bln AMD.

As Mediamax was told in the press service of the bank, “Ardshininvestbank” assets for three quarters of 2008 grew, as compared to the beginning of the year, for 27%, making 119bln AMD, the total commitments of the bank increased for 28.2%, making 96bln AMD. The total capital of the bank in January-September increased for 22.3%, making 22.7bln AMD.

The sum of credits, issued by the bank as of September 30, made 76.9bln drams, having increased for the three quartered for 40.4%. At that, 39.1% of the bank’s credit portfolio falls on the share of consumer credits.

The growth of the bank’s total capital in the accounted period took place mainly due to the current profit, the volume of which made 4127,3mln AMD in January-September, which exceeds the last year’s index for 37.2%.

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