Orange to become the third mobile operator in Armenia

07.10.2008 | 14:15 Home / News / News /

Yerevan /Mediamax/. France Telecom Company (Orange brand) is officially declared winner of the tender and will become the third mobile connection## operator in Armenia.

Spokeswoman of Armenian Ministry of Transport and Communication Susanna Tonoyan informed Mediamax on this today.

Yesterday the packages with price offers of all the three participants of the tender were opened. France Telecom offered the highest price (51mln 500 thousand euro) for the right to become the third mobile operator in Armenia.

On September 16, Head of France Telecom’s (Orange brand) International Business Department in Europe and Eurasia Jean Michel Serre stated in an interview to Mediamax that in case the company won in the tender, France Telecom would realize the necessary volume of investments in Armenia to secure best quality internet connection.

“The telecommunication sector in Armenia possesses potential for development. This concerns not only the increase of subscriber number, but, mainly, provision of new services”, he noted.

According to Serre, Armenia is yet far from full saturation by new services. “We believe that in the course of the nearest two years the situation will change and the Armenian telecommunication sector will be significantly different, as compared to the one you have today. Our international experience evidences that”, Orange representative said then.

Answering the question of Mediamax on the new services, which France Telecom may offer in Armenia, Jean Michel Serre stated that in the first place the company will introduce quality mobile connection with broadband internet in Armenia.

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