Importers and the authorities give different assessments to the possibility of fuel crisis in Armenia

22.08.2008 | 16:32 Home / News / News /

Yerevan /Mediamax/. As a result of lasting interruption of railroad communication between Armenia## and the ports of Georgia, Armenia may have a strong deficit of fuel, Executive Director of “MIKA” Corporation Edmond Asiryan told Mediamax today. At that, according to him, increase in prices for fuel is not expected.

Councilor of Armenian Prime Minister Gagik Martirosyan refuted the possibility of fuel deficit, noting that Armenia has necessary reserves of fuel.

Spokesman of the Minister of Transport and Communication of Armenia Susanna Tonoyan informed Mediamax today that there are 10 carriages with fuel for Armenia in the territory of Georgia now. Besides, 1600 tons of petrol is in storages in Batumi, waiting to be sent to Armenia.

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