Azerbaijani banks opened 45 branches in the first half of the year

19.08.2008 | 17:06 Home / News /

Capitalization of the banking sector of Azerbaijan, as of July 1, increased by 26,9%, as compared to the beginning of the year.

Mediamax reports referring Trend that in the course of the first half of the year, 46 banks had licenses for realization of banking activity in the territory of the country.

24 banks function in Azerbaijan with the participation of foreign capital. The number of functioning branches of banks, following the results of the second quarter, made 530. The banks opened 45 branches in the course of the first half of the year.

The number of banking structures, functioning abroad, makes seven, four of which are representative offices, there are also two subsidiary banks and one branch. Four representative offices of foreign banks also function in Azerbaijan.

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