“Ardshininvestbank” is introducing a new “Discount” term deposit

08.08.2008 | 15:12 Home / News / News /

Yerevan /Mediamax/. Starting from August 11, a new “Discount” term deposit will be introduced in all branches of “Ardshininvestbank”##, the interest rate of which, in accordance with the term of the deposit, will be paid during the registration.

As Mediamax was told in the press service of “Ardshininvestbank”, if the deposit makes from $100 000 to $500 000 or the equivalent in AMD for the term of 270-365 days, during the registration of the deposit, the depositor will be paid 8% of his sum. If the analogous sum is placed on a deposit in euro, the depositor will receive 7,8% of his sum.

If the analogous volume deposit is registered for the term of 366-549 days, the depositor will be paid 8,3% (if the sum is in AMD or in USD) and 8,1% (if the sum is in euro). If the term of the deposit makers 550-732 days, the depositor will be paid correspondingly 8,6% and 8,3%.

If the sum of the deposit exceeds $500 000, or if the term of the deposit makes more than 732 days, the terms of annual deposit interest rate will be determined on a contractual basis.

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