Converse Bank: CashBack on Black Friday

24.11.2021 | 13:31 Home / News /
#Converse Bank #Black Friday CashBack
Converse Bank announces Black Friday CashBack action for its Visa Virtual cardholders.

“We value the convenience of our customers, prioritize the security of transactions on online platforms and create the best conditions for shopping. This time Converse Bank offers its customers to make purchases with the bank’s Visa Virtual cards on Black Friday, November 26, and get up to AMD 20,000 CashBack,” the bank representative said.

It is noted that Visa Virtual is the first digital card for online shopping in Armenia.  It is secure for shopping and at the same time safe from fraud.  The card does not exist physically, it is impossible to lose the card, nor is it linked to the cash account, therefore the customer’s funds are inaccessible to third parties during hacking.

The customers can get a Visa Virtual card free of charge by downloading the Mobile Application of Converse Bank.

See Visa Virtual details here.  

Converse Bank is supervised by the CBA.
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