Tariff for electricity in 2009 will not change, Head of “Electric Networks of Armenia” CJSC stated

28.07.2008 | 14:07 Home / News / News /

Yerevan /Mediamax/. Despite the expected increase of prices for natural gas imported to Armenia##, growth of tariffs for electricity in 2009 is not expected, General Director of “Electric Networks of Armenia” CJSC Yevgeni Gladunchik stated in Yerevan today.

Mediamax reports that, speaking at a news conference in Yerevan today, Yevgeni Gladunchik noted that the tariffs for electric energy in Armenia “are already high”.

“The main problem for our company now is to carry the old substations, which represent danger for the residents, out of apartment-buildings”, Yevgeni Gladunchik stated, noting that at present there are only 160 such substations in Armenia, 120 of which are in Yerevan.

According to the General Director of the company, the problem is that the residents of apartment-buildings, where the substations are located, appose to that. “Many people think that carrying out the substations, we will risk their stable energy-supply, which is an absolutely ungrounded thought”, Yevgeni Gladunchik stated.

He noted that in 2007, the company took 11 substations out of apartment-buildings, this year they plan to make the number in Yerevan reach 30.

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