Armenian CB Board increased the refinancing rate to 7.25%

02.07.2008 | 16:24 Home / News / News /

Yerevan /Mediamax/. The Central Bank of Armenia increased today the refinancing rate for 0.25 percentage points##, establishing it at the level of 7.25%.

As Mediamax was told in the press service of the Central Bank, the given decision was made by the CB Board today during its session.

It was noted at the session that in June 2008, as compared to May, deflation at the volume of 0.5% was registered. The inflation index in the course of the year made 9.6%, exceeding the targeted upper limit for almost 4%.

The CB Board noted that despite the tendency for decrease of international prices for foods, registered in the course of the recent few months, it has not yet influenced the internal prices. It was also noted that the international prices for oil products continue remaining high.

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