Armenia may become the regional financial center before the solution of regional problems

26.05.2008 | 13:37 Home / News / News /

Yerevan /Mediamax/. Chairman of the Board of “Ardshininvestbank” Aram Andreasyan believes## that Armenia may become a financial center before the solution of existing regional problems.

Aram Andreasyan stated on May 24 in Dilijan in an interview to Mediamax that the Armenian government promises to secure the necessary legislative and political platforms for establishing the regional financial center, “consequently, the idea is quite realizable”.

Commenting on the proposals of the Prime Minister Tigran Sarkisian on establishing an All-Armenian bank, Aram Andreasyan expressed opinion that the given structure “will more likely be a fund than a classic bank, and it will aim at rendering assistance to turning Armenia into one of the world financial centers”.

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