IDsalary and IDsalary+: You choose how to receive salary

16.02.2021 | 14:07 Home / News /
#IDBank #Idsalary #IDsalary+

IDBank is launching new salary packages, which allow receiving salary with IDBank and using a number of services of IDBank on privileged conditions:

-    Mastercard Standard or Visa Gold cards with profitable conditions for service
-    Cash out from IDBank ATM’s without commission fee,
-    Privileged annual nominal interest rate for the loans and credit lines,
-    20% discount for Bank safe deposit boxes and much more.

“When joining IDsalary+ package, in addition to the privileges mentioned, the customers will get another advantage: the package includes financial insurance. This means that the customers get one-time financial support in cases of unemployment, loss of ability to work and other critical cases. Insurance terms in accordance with the conditions set by the insurance company,” the bank said.

To join IDsalary and IDsalary+ packages, it is necessary:

-    To apply via Call center or at a bank branch,
-    Receive your preferred card of IDBank
-    Provide the card details to your Accounting Department and receive your salary in IDBank by taking advantage from wide opportunities of the salary package.

The bank is controlled by CBA.

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