Eastern Partnership: Ready to Trade - an EU4Business initiative supports Armenia-based companies in developing internationally competitive branding identities.The project is implemented by the International Trade Centre (ITC) and funded by the European Union under its EU4Business initiative. The project mainly supports companies along the value chains of production of dried fruits, canned food, herbs and herbal teas, highlighting the uniqueness and competitive advantages of the Armenian produce. Branding is a key to success in the international market, says Angela Pryce, international tea expert who has been providing customised consultations to local tea producers for two consecutive years within the frames of the EU4Business: Ready to Trade project.“For businesses that are selling therapeutic products there is a lot of work to do to make sure that the ingredients on the pack are legally compliant with the EU database. Waste reduction, minimal use of plastics and recyclability are important issues for many customers. Businesses should be aware of materials used in their packaging to be able to clearly communicate them to buyers or customers through on-pack recycling labels. Dried products (herbs and tea) require a moisture barrier, the most effective being plastic-based,” she said.For three years now, the Eastern Partnership: Ready to Trade - an EU4Business initiative has been assisting Armenian companies in the production of internationally and particularly EU-compliant products . The project helps local companies to present their products at international expos and establish business ties with foreign suppliers and buyers. Tweet Views 6244