IDBank and Visa present new offer for cardholders

16.04.2020 | 17:21 Home / News /
IDBank has announced to subscribers that when they make payents for order with IDBank's Visa cards, they should use the #VisaMenu promo code and the delivery amount will be transferred to their account.

Besides, at the end of each month, Visa cardholder who will have made the largest number of transactions, will receive a voucher of in AMD, equivalent to the sum of USD 100, the bank said.
The campaign will last until October 2020.

“Reminder :IDBank offers IdramRocketVisa, VisaGold, Platinum, Signature, Infinite debit and credit cards, which you can order online without leaving home through system and Idram application, and you will get your card by free delivery in the territory of Yerevan.

To take advantage of all theprivileges of IDBank’scards, pass quicksynchronization.

Make use of the free delivery and be healthy!” the bank said.

The bank is controlled by the CBA.
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