DataArt Armenia releases the video of panel discussion on fintech trends

07.04.2020 | 14:19 Home / News / News /
DataArt Armenia organized a panel discussion on finance and technologies on March 12, during which the company’s leading experts talked about the influence of technologies on the financial market.

Given the rapid spread of the coronavirus and the cancelation of international flights, DataArt Armenia decided to hold the panel discussion behind closed doors and sent the corresponding warning to the guests.

The video recording of the panel discussion is available online now, so anyone who could not watch it live has the opportunity to see what DataArt experts had to say.

The discussion featured as speakers Alexei Utkin, Head of DataArt Data Analytics; Denis Baranov, Head of DataArt Blockchain Center of Excellence; Oleg Komissarov, DataArt Principal Consultant, Finance Practice; and Peter Vaihansky, Senior Vice President of DataArt's Finance Practice. The panel was moderated by Suren Azatyan, DataArt’s VP of Business Development.

Senior Vice President of Finance Practice Peter Vaihansky told about the main topics of the discussion and added:

“DataArt works with numerous leading financial organizations, banks, stock exchanges and other companies, which are actively modernizing their technologies. This is why we have the opportunity to follow in which direction technologies evolve. Some of those trends were on the agenda of our panel discussion.”
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