Evocabank jointly with TI’ME and Pandora stores have prepared two offers. Co-branded gift cardsOne may deposit any amount ranging from AMD 20,000 to AMD 1,000,000 on a gift card, so the gift card receiver can buy the preferred branded watches and accessories in TI’ME and Pandora stores.“One can get a gift card in fancy wrapping from all TI’ME and Pandora stores,” the statement reads. TI’ME and Pandora shopping cardsOwing to the new project of Evocabank, TI’ME and Pandora stores, one can make unlimited number of purchases of up to AMD 500,000 within three months and repay the amount in installments during two years. One needs to download the EvocaTOUCH app and apply online for a TI’ME, Pandora loan. “The loan is approved in a few seconds. After the loan approval one needs to approach a TI’ME or Pandora store and get the fancy co-branded card with the loan amount on it. The process is easy, fast and convenient.As an innovative and modern bank, Evocabank continues to design new offers to make the life of its partners more comfortable,” the bank summed up. Tweet Views 10099