The opening ceremony of the small stage - Black Box - took place at G. Sundukyan National Academic Theatre on February 20 at the initiative of Converse Bank. The bank said this is the first Black Box stage in Armenia built at a professional theater, which will serve as an innovative theatrical platform for young artists.“The initiative was launched with support of Converse Bank, which has always been a participant and supporter of various undertakings in the field of culture and art. I hope that the cooperation, which started last year, will not be limited to implementation of this project and we will have the opportunity of making new, interesting offers to the audience in the future,” said Vardan Mkrtchyan, Director of Sundukyan Theater.“Supporting initiatives aimed at development of culture and art is one of the most important components of Converse Bank’s corporate social responsibility program, within the framework of which just during the previous year Converse Bank assisted and took part in about ten events. Opening of the Black Box is one of such projects implemented as part of cooperation between the public and the private sectors, owing to which the Armenian audience will have the opportunity to watch not only performances typical of academic theatres, but also innovative plays with contemporary solutions,” said Artur Hakobyan, Chief Executive Officer of Converse Bank.The first performance in the Black Box will be presented to the audience this spring. Tweet Views 9429