Armenian Prime Minister presented the basic tasks of the pension reform

13.11.2007 | 16:55 Home / News / News /

Yerevan, November 13 /Mediamax/. Armenian Prime Minister Serzh Sarkisian stated in Yerevan today that the pension reform will play an important role in making the social polarization in Armenia milder.

Mediamax reports that the Prime Minister said this, presenting in the parliament the draft state budget of Armenia for 2008. He noted that, simultaneously with the 60% increase of pension volumes in 2008, work on implementation of a new pension system will be carried out.
According to Serzh Sarkisian, the pension reform will allow securing the fulfillment of the following tasks:

- Any citizen of Armenia, irrespective of whether the citizen is able to work or not, will gain the right for hardship allowance not lower than the minimal level of life is;

- The pension will be directly related to the level of personal incomes, including - the level of salary;

- In the course of time, each citizen of Armenia will have a personal accumulative account, and the accumulated financial means will secure additional pension incomes.

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