Armenia to give new impetus to relations with Moldova

14.05.2018 | 12:47 Home / News /
#Nikol Pashinyan #Igor Dodon #EAEU
Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan and President of Moldova Igor Dodon have met in Sochi today. The two leaders attached importance to consistent efforts aimed at further development of bilateral relations.

According to Armenian government’s press service, Pashinyan has remarked on the need to give a new impetus to economic partnership between Armenia and Moldova and stressed it must be on level with the political relations.

“We should make efforts to facilitate economic cooperation. In that sense, I attach importance to active cooperation and organization of a session of the Armenia-Moldova intergovernmental commission in the near future,” said the Armenian Prime Minister.

Nikol Pashinyan has emphasized that the decision to open an embassy in Moldova demonstrates Armenia’s readiness to give a new impetus to the bilateral relations.

Igor Dodon has expressed the hope that the mutually beneficial relations will continue to grow stronger and involve more sectors.
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