Oleg Bliznyuk considers the new tariffs, proposed by “ArmenTel” “optimal”

01.06.2007 | 16:55 Home / News / News /

Yerevan, June 1 /Mediamax/. The General Director of “ArmenTel” Oleg Bliznyuk stated in Yerevan today that the new tariffs for the fixed connection, proposed by the Company, are “very optimal”.

Mediamax reports that the application for the reconsideration of the tariffs for the fixed connection, presented by “ArmenTel” to the Commission on Regulation of Public Services (CRPS) of Armenia, was published in “Hayastani Hanrapetutyun” [“Republic of Armenia”] newspaper today. The application provides for a certain increase of tariffs for the local communication and decrease of tariffs for long distance and international calls.

Oleg Bliznyuk described as “optimal” the combination of prices for the local and international connection, proposal of the Company. He stressed that the new tariffs, proposed by “ArmenTel”, are considerably lower than the ones, which were proposed by the previous owner of the Company.

“We have held a detailed analysis and made a decision, which, according to us, allows considering the proposed prices quite acceptable”, Oleg Bliznyuk stated.

He informed that the application, submitted by “ArmenTel’ will be discussed in CRPS in the course of three months.

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