NBA supports the expansion of the Azerbaijani banks to the foreign markets

22.02.2007 | 16:55 Home / News /

The interest of the international financial institutions and foreign banks to the Azerbaijani banking market significantly increased, the Chairman of the National Bank of Azerbaijan (NBA) Elman Rustamov stated.

Mediamax reports referring Trend that Rustamov stated that “the investment attractiveness of the banking market of the country has increased, that is why we receive many appeals”.

“We are ready to consider all the applications, but at the same time we wait for the arrival of world-famous banking organizations, which can bring modern technologies, render technical assistance to the development of the Azerbaijani banks, to stir up the competition”, Elman Rustamov.

According to him, NBA was the first in the CIS to liberalize the inflow of the foreign capital into the banking sector of the country.

“We also support the expansion of the Azerbaijani banks to the foreign markets, but the business interests and the interests of the state should coincide. Recently the International Bank of Azerbaijan opened its branch in Georgia, and the funding of the Georgian part of the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railroad construction will be realized through the given branch”, the Chairman of NBA stated.

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