Armenian government proposed to toughen the law “On protection of economic competition”

20.02.2007 | 16:55 Home / News / News /

Yerevan, February 20 /Mediamax/. Armenian government presented to the consideration of the parliament a draft law “On making changes and amendment to the law “On protection of economic competition””.

As the Deputy Minister of Trade and Economic Development of Armenia Armen Gevorkian stated today, the given draft law is worked out, taking into consideration the practical work of the commission, the antimonopoly policy of the European states, as well as the present stage of economic development of the country. According to Armen Gevorkian, the draft law is to protect the rights of the consumers and to increase the efficiency of the law “On economic competition”. It determines the possible manifestations of unfair competition, abuse of the dominating position on the market and the kinds of abuse.

The Deputy Minister also stated that the law toughens the measures of punishment and administration. According to him, in case the law is approved, the Commission on Economic Competition of Armenia will gain additional controls to secure the competition in the country.

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