Armenian government and Microsoft Corporation signed a cooperation agreement

31.01.2007 | 16:55 Home / News / News /

Yerevan, January 31 /Mediamax/. The Armenian government and the Microsoft Corporation signed an agreement on cooperation.

Mediamax reports that the agreement was signed on January 30 in Edinburgh by the Minister of Trade and Economic Development of Armenia Karen Chshmaritian and the President of Microsoft Bill Gates.

According to the signed agreement, Microsoft will realize investment, educational and innovation programs in Armenia aimed at further development of the sphere of Information Technologies. In particular, Microsoft plans to establish its Innovation Center in Armenia.

The Armenian Delegation, headed by Karen Chshmaritian, left for Scotland on January 29, by the invitation of Microsoft to participate in the Government Leaders Forum-Europe.

The agreement on cooperation of the Armenian government with Microsoft was reached in September of 2006, during the meeting of the Armenian Prime Minister and the Vice-President of Microsoft, which took place in Yerevan within the framework of the “Information Technologies Month”.

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