UAF announces the end of operations

02.12.2015 | 10:57 Home / News / News /

The Board of Directors of the United Armenian Fund announced the end of its operations.

According to, the decision is based on the recent passing away of its main benefactor, Kirk Kerkorian.

After 26 years of providing humanitarian aid to Armenia and Artsakh, the five major Armenian-American religious and charitable organizations that formed the UAF have decided to concentrate their attention and resources on other projects that they sponsor and fund in Armenia and the Diaspora.

“The leaders of UAF member organizations express their gratitude to Mr. Kerkorian for his generosity  through his Lincy Foundation, and other benefactors”, the Fund announcement reads.

In the past 26 years, the UAF has delivered to Armenia a total of $720 million worth of humanitarian assistance.

The UAF was formed shortly after 1988 earthquake in Armenia, with joint efforts of Armenian General Benevolent Union, Armenian Lincy Foundation, Armenian Missionary Association of America and the Armenian Apostolic Church of America.

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